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Janice Dickinson, still has inhibitions | Ayyyy!

Janice Dickinson, still has inhibitions

It's vanished into the abyss

Now, where did that butt floss go? This must be her subtle way of letting us know that unlike the current crop of party girls turned celebrities, she still firmly believes in the beneficial qualities of underwear. Stay classy Janice – we will remember not to avert our eyes next time you clamber out the back of a limo!

One Response to “Janice Dickinson, still has inhibitions”

  1. Jennie October 3, 2008 at 1:45 pm #

    I’ve seen her show twice (not my fault, at a friend’s house). This woman is an obnoxious, arrogant, ignorant, harridan that has an inflated opinion of her beauty and worth. She forces her models to be anorexic, grosses out over plus size models and has the class of a slim eel. (Sorry slime eels, didn’t mean to insult you). I knew reality tv had reach desperate levels when they gave this nasty piece of work her own show.