Bangkok Fashion Week roundup

I went on safari and all I got was this lousy outfit

Strong! Invincible! I am stylish, hear me roar!! Boy these prints are so fierce, they’ll face down even that wildest of beasts, the nightly prowling and partying cougar.

2 Responses to “Bangkok Fashion Week roundup”

  1. Jennie March 24, 2008 at 12:05 pm #

    The model on the right is about to fall over from the weight of the bracelets… I guess the outfit on the left is for those days when nothing fits because one is so bloated…

  2. buzzKut March 25, 2008 at 3:32 pm #

    Why do any [particularly lovely Asian] women agree to look unflatteringly moronic meant as a dullard, unsexy impression of I am completely out of ideas and what the hell, these products are near at hand.. and willing promote crappy clothing like this with horrible accesories, makeup and hair, leaving a lasting impression they are also clueless to art, function and design, womanhood.. is beyond me! Kick those mentally insane designers to the curb and boycott the ugly modeling trade ASAP. It’s a waste of time, materials, interest and energy. Who would really purchase and gleefully wear this frightful junk but some really disturbed idiot or some starving adicted faint depressed celeb wanting freebies?